Thursday, August 20, 2009

Break Wrist

Break Wrist
Break Wrist
Originally uploaded by kaare.iverson
on the 24th September, 2007

I came across a brilliant web comic that's basically changed my life...or at least my afternoons at work.

This is basically why I will always hate point and shoot cameras.


My friend has hidden all of the season 4 Battlestar Galactica disks again. My private revolt has been to wikisearch Grace Park and try to imagine how awesome it would be if I moved to Vancouver and she left her husband and did chinups for me. Sigh.

In other news I'm WORKING for UNICEF and I feel a little dirty about being paid by them. Not, like, Ron Jeremy dirty, but certainly a little tainted.

Oh yeah, and my website needs your critique.
do that


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ascent Into Globalism

Ascent Into Globalism
Ascent Into Globalism
Originally uploaded by kaare.iverson
on the 3rd August, 2009

China is moving forward and I'm moving out...back to simpler things where there's only electricity at night...and then only sometimes. In the near future my sunny skies will not be obstructed by buildings and I will not climb out of caves using these confounded electronic stairs!