Friday, March 13, 2009

Canon 430EXII Speedlight Manual

If you're like me and you ended up with a Canon 430EXII Speedlight sans manual or with a manual in a language other than English, French, or Spanish then this link is probably pretty useful for you (it covers the custom functions new to this model and gives some additional info that wasn't completely covered in the 430EX manual):

*at the time of posting Canon has yet to list a downloadable version of the manual

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Teaching English as a Second Life

There are 6 folders on my desk. Each folder takes an hour to teach, so each folder represents an hour of work. I hate working for someone else so this work is called labour. There are 6 hours of labour on my desk. I must do them one at a time.

There is one email in my inbox. It is a poignant invitation to work as a photographer in the West Bank of Israel. This is what I want to be doing. I love this idea, so I will call it love. There is one love in my email inbox and I must love it all at once.